Dear Legal Mailbag: For some years, our board of education has permitted the teachers in our district to enroll their children in our schools as long as they provide transportation for them. We are predicting crowding next year at the high school, however, and these extra students just make things more difficult. In fact, some of them have special needs, which further burden us. The board budget was just shot down in referendum, and we are looking for savings wherever we can find them. Do you agree that ending this free benefit is a good way to achieve cost savings? Answer
Principal Mentors Needed
The University of Connecticut Administrator Preparation Program (UCAPP) is one of the premier school leader preparation programs in the nation. The internship component, which CAS has overseen for the past eight years, is the heart of the program. The key to the internship is the match between quality interns and the outstanding principal mentors who voluntarily welcome them on to their leadership teams. Please consider applying to serve in this important role. Letters of admission have just gone out to 39 superior candidates and CAS will be seeking internship placements before the end of May. More
CAS To Host FIRST Robotics State High School Championship
CAS, in partnership with Connecticut FIRST, will host a first-ever FIRST Robotics Competition State Championship tomorrow, May 11th, at the CT State Armory in Hartford. More than 40 high school teams from across the state will compete at the state championship, which is free and open to the public.
Last Call To Register for May 17th iPad Workshop!
See how the iPad can impact the busy life of a school administrator and shape the instruction that takes place in the classroom. Register now for "iPads in the School Environment: A Workshop for Educational Leaders" on May 17th.
Cast Your Vote for CT Student in National Design Contest
Hope Scalise is a second grade student at Derynoski Elementary School in Southington and her design has been selected as our state winner in Google's annual doodle contest. She now has a chance to win a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 technology grant for her school. The national winner is determined by clicking on the link below and casting a ballot. Voting closes this week. Please act now!
Seeking Tomorrow's Leaders
The New England state associations of the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) will be hosting the third annual New England Student Leadership Conference from July 16-19, 2013 at Stonehill College in Easton, MA. This conference is a four-day, residential event designed to help talented, committed young people become better citizens who will be positive, contributing adults and role models for youth. More
US Dept. of Education Creates Principal Ambassador Program
The NAESP and NASSP are pleased to announce that, at the urging of their two national organizations, the US Department of Education has begun the creation of the Principal Ambassador Fellowship Program. The program will be administered by the department similar to the successful Teacher Ambassador Program. More