Effective Ed Eval Implementation – Tips for Building Leaders
The Connecticut State Department of Education is publishing a bi-weekly column for CAS member school administrators to help them effectively implement the new educator evaluation requirements in their schools and districts. This first installment offers suggestions for measuring student growth in grades and subjects for which standardized assessments are not available.
Dear Legal Mailbag: A seventh grade girl came to my school yesterday wearing a “I (heart) Boobies” bracelet. It didn’t take long before one of the seventh grade boys pointed and laughed, saying “boobies” repeatedly. The teacher reported the situation to me, and I called the girl down to the office. She seemed quite sincere; and she explained that she was wearing the bracelet to support a worthwhile cause. Continued
Update on Secondary School Reform
In her most recent blog, Executive Director Karissa Niehoff talks about secondary school reform legislation and the changes to high school graduation requirements which were adopted in 2010. Dr. Niehoff was a member of the High School Graduation Issues Task Force which issued a comprehensive report recommending changes to the reform language. MORE
A Call to Action!
The federal government is operating under a continuing resolution (CR) that will expire on January 15. Unless Congress comes to an agreement on a federal budget before then, the CR sequestration will continue to slash investments in education. Congress must stop abdicating its responsibility and pass a budget which sets the fiscal priorities for the nation and education should be one of them. Tell Congress to stop cutting education and invest in our nation’s children and schools! EMAIL YOUR LEGISLATORS NOW!
Finding Mission, Focus and Coherence in a Tumultuous Time
High school principals and assistant principals are invited to attend a presentation by Jonathan Costa of EDUCATION CONNECTION on Monday, December 16, from 4 to 7 p.m. The workshop will help administrators find coherence in the midst of competing and seemingly unassociated requirements like SEED, NEASC, CCSS, etc. and effectively integrate them into their core mission. MORE
Emergency Response Team Launched by CAS
CAS has established an Emergency Response Team to provide support for school leaders in the event of a crisis situation that transcends a district’s capacity to manage effectively. The twenty-member team, comprised of present and former school administrators, had its first training session last month. MORE
CIAC Fall Championship Broadcast Schedule
Sixteen CIAC champions will be crowned this weekend and all championship games will be streamed live on the NFHS Network. In addition, many of the contests will be re-aired on CPTV Sports in the coming weeks. MORE
Use Your iPad to Enhance Your Productivity
Have an iPad and want to put it to better use in your work as an administrator? Learn about the productivity tools available for the iPad. Use Pages, Numbers and Keynote to create professional documents and multimedia presentations. Plus, get hands-on practice using the iPad for teacher observation and evaluation. MORE