$50,000 in Grants Now Available to Member Schools
The CAS-CIAC Endowment and Flanagan Grant Program, made possible by the generosity of sponsors whose dollars have helped build a stable endowment fund, provides grant money to member schools to fund new or existing initiatives that lead to enriched educational experiences and/or improved learning environments. Proposals are now being accepted from member schools (K-12), individual students and/or schools, and groups of schools and/or students (including academic/athletic leagues). Awards made by the CAS-CIAC Endowment and Flanagan Grant Program may be used to expand existing initiatives in new and innovative ways or develop other worthy projects or programs. MORE
Has an Extraordinary Volunteer Made a Difference at Your School?
If so, join us on March 11th for the CAS Volunteer Recognition Banquet! Every school in Connecticut is blessed with parents and other volunteers who contribute to its success. Don’t miss this chance to give public recognition to those individuals who have made your school a better place to work and learn. MORE
25 Championships to be Broadcast Live
The CIAC winter post-season began yesterday with the Class L Indoor Track & Field Championship. That event was also the first in a stretch of unprecedented CIAC playoff coverage by the NFHS Network. There will be 32 championships over the next seven weeks and 25 of those will be streamed online. MORE
CAS Announces High School "Heart of the Arts" Award
Do you know a student who is involved in the arts and has demonstrated exemplary ‘heart’ – i.e., integrity, citizenship, good character – in his or her chosen activity; has exceeded normal expectations in assisting others within the school community; or, has overcome adversity or a challenging circumstance? If so, please consider submitting a nomination for the new “CAS Heart of the Arts Award”! This award seeks to recognize students involved in high school performing or visual arts programs who exemplify the core values of education-based activities. MORE
CAS Offers Teacher Leadership Workshop Series
CAS is pleased to announce its newest professional learning series which will empower teacher-leaders within the school districts of our state. The five-day workshop series will address key topics such as: instructional leadership; leading change; analyzing personal leadership capacities and those of their colleagues; developing a personal Theory of Action; conducting difficult conversations as a prelude to change; establishing and sustaining PLCs; and, working with diverse perspectives. MORE
Creating Successful School Climate Plans
CAS is pleased to offer a regional series of half-day workshops that will feature school visits and discussions on creating successful school climate plans. These workshops will focus on what every school needs to do to design and implement a comprehensive climate plan. MORE
Neag Seeks Executive Leadership Program Candidates
The Neag School of Education Department of Educational Leadership is now accepting applications for the Executive Leadership Program 2014-15 cohort. The Executive Leadership Program prepares educational leaders for district leadership positions with a primary emphasis on the preparation for the position of superintendent of schools. MORE
SDE Releases Update on Educator Evaluation and Support
CSDE Chief Talent Officer Dr. Sarah Barzee's most recent newsletter offers several updates to assist districts in budgeting and planning for the 2014-15 academic year. Updates include: - CCT Rubric for Effective Teaching - Professional Development and Evaluation Committees - New Guidelines for Professional Learning - Making the Best Use of BloomBoard’s Marketplace - Budget Guidance for 2014-15 MORE
CAS Requests Your SLOs
CAS has been asked to collect administrator SLOs to use as exemplars on the SEED website. We are looking for examples of our members’ work in this area. ALL SLOs utilized in this manner will have individual, school and district identification factors removed. A view of the few samples we currently have can be seen on the SEED website; and we would utilize future examples in the same manner. Serving as guides for those administrators who are unsure of the SLO format and future school leaders who will enter the profession after this intense period of training, this compilation of administrative SLOs will serve as a reference point. If you are willing to allow CAS to use your work with the assurance of anonymity, please send your SLO samples to Ev Lyons elyons@casciac.org. Your help is needed and appreciated.