Dear Legal Mailbag: I just got out of a long meeting with a parent. He was on my case because, in his view, the curriculum at my K-5 elementary school is deficient. Why you ask? Because we do not address the accomplishments of the Irish people. When he told me that, I joked that as a good kinsman, I take my favorite teacher friends out to drink every St. Patrick’s Day. He didn’t chuckle. Continued
Last Call to Register for Scholar-Athlete Banquet
The 2014 CIAC Scholar Athlete Banquet will be held on Sunday, May 4th. Those schools that have not yet registered are encouraged to do so immediately to insure their place at the event. Schools can register through the CIAC on-line eligibility center under the “Admin Actions” tab. MORE
2014 NAESP Elections Underway
Two area principals - Victoria Reed, principal of Highland Elementary School in Wallingford, CT, and Tara McAuliffe, principal of Rockwell School in Bristol, RI - are vying for the position NAESP Zone 1 Director. Eligible NAESP members encouraged to cast their ballots. Voting is open until April 15th. MORE
"Big Six" Hold Press Conference in Support of Common Core
On Wednesday, March 12th, a coalition of six of the state’s leading education and business groups held a press conference to oppose two new bills concerning Common Core State Standards and the current evaluation guidelines developed by the Performance Evaluation Advisory Committee (PEAC). The “Big Six” – CAPSS, CAS, CABE, CBIA, CCER, ConnCAN – came together at the Legislative Office Building to urge state leaders to remain committed to improving public education by defeating HB 5078 and HB 5331. MORE
Matt Fischer to be Honored by Basketball Committee
The CIAC will kick off a weekend of basketball championships with the 2014 Boys and Girls State Basketball Championships Dedication at the Mohegan Sun on Saturday March 22. Seven individuals, including CIAC Director of Technology Services Matt Fischer, will be honored for their contributions to CT high school basketball. Matt will receive this year’s Basketball Dedication Award. MORE
Scholar-Leader Banquet Moves to Sunday
The annual scholar-leader banquet has, historically, been held on the first Monday of June. However, in a break with tradition, the banquet will now be held on Sunday evening. The 30th Annual Middle Level Scholar Leader Banquet is scheduled for Sunday, June 8, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. at the Aqua Turf. Mark your calendars!
Regional Mini-conferences for Student Leaders
The student activities division is hosting a series of regional mini-conferences for high school student leaders. Under the theme of "Agents of Change - Transforming Communities & Impacting Lives," four conferences will be offered in late March and early April. Student leaders at the host schools will highlight the positive ways that they are tackling tough issues while improving their school climate. Please share the program information with interested faculty/student organizations. MORE