On May 29th, CAS hosted its 62nd annual meeting, but it was unlike any of the previous sixty-one annual meetings held to date! Historically, the spring membership meeting had been an event at which we conducted all of the business required by our Constitution - e.g., adoption of bylaw changes, budget, Nominating Committee Report, etc. Thanks to the wonders of technology, we can now handle all of that business electronically. However, we wanted to get our members together nonetheless, as a way of thanking them for their contributions to the association and to our challenging profession. So, we transformed our traditional business meeting into an end-of-the-year reception and awards ceremony. Catch the highlights! MORE
Governor's Scholars Honored
Thirty of Connecticut’s top juniors were honored at the Eighteenth Annual Governor’s Scholars Luncheon on May 22, 2014. Keynote Speaker Donna Hayward, CAS Vice President and principal of Suffield High School, spoke to the honorees about the great prospects - and responsibilities - that their futures hold. "You will be our next great leaders and problem solvers because you’re smart, you know how to think, and you work hard...Please be the scholars that you are and value what you have been given. Use your gifts to make someone, something, somewhere better." MORE
New Complementary Managers Program Offered
CAS is pleased to announce its new Complementary Managers Program, an excellent and cost-saving means of providing support for building leaders who are struggling to complete the various requirements of teacher evaluation and Common Core planning. Complementary Managers are retired school administrators, trained by CAS for this unique role, who can assume the daily managerial tasks of leading a school while administrators work with their teachers to improve and support teacher performance under the educator evaluation and support system. MORE
CAS Offers Regional Administrator Evaluation Training
This summer, CAS will be offering training workshops for principals and central office administrators who are responsible for evaluating other administrators. This training has now been condensed into a two-day program. Dates and locations of the sessions, which are all led by CAS trainers, are listed below. Individuals interested in participating in the August session at CAS may register via the CAS website. Please check the respective RESC websites to register for workshops being held at those venues. These workshops are offered without charge and are sponsored by the Connecticut State Department of Education. · July 14/15 - EDCONNECTION in Litchfield · July 21/22 - EASTCONN in Hampton · August 4/5 - CAS in Cheshire · August 18/19 - EDCONNECTION in Litchfield
Karissa Niehoff to Serve as Panelist for Workshop on Bullying in Sports
On June 16, NYU Sports and Society is hosting a conference for high school athletic directors and coaches in the New York metropolitan area to promote anti-bullying efforts in youth sports. CAS-CIAC Executive Director Karissa Niehoff will be part of a panel discussion called "The View from the Trenches" in which coaches and athletic directors will describe their experiences with addressing disrespect, abusive behavior, and bullying in individual athletic programs. Niehoff will offer her insight as a former coach, administrator and now state association director. MORE
The Breakthrough Coach Returns - Mark Your Calendars
If you want to learn how to work with less, produce more and still get everything done in a sensible school week then it sounds like you’re ready for The Breakthrough Coach! Interested teams from CAS member schools should mark their calendars for the return of the Breakthrough Coach this fall. Registration for the November 20th-21st training will open online after September 1st. MORE
DEMHS Clarifies Deadline for School Safety Plans
The Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection's Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security has issued a clarification regarding the deadline by which a district’s School Security and Safety Plan should be in place. Public Act 13-3 says that the plan should be in effect beginning July 1, 2014. As a practical matter, plans should be in place for the first day of school. This will allow school districts some time over the summer to work on such plan. A more formal notification from DESPP/DEMHS will be forthcoming in the near future.
School Principals and Lead Health Teachers are Encouraged to Participate in 2014 School Health Profiles
The CSDE is currently conducting the 2014 School Health Profiles. Data on school health policies and practices are collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention every two years and used to secure federal and state funding to support health and mental health programs and services. There are two questionnaires; and principals and lead health education teachers from randomly selected schools are asked to complete them. The data collected provide valuable information for districts and are used to write grants, fact sheets, and other important documents supporting the link between health and academic achievement. As a partner in this initiative, CAS encourages your participation in this survey. Hard copy questionnaires were sent to principals of randomly selected schools in March. As a follow up, these principals will be contacted over the next couple of weeks for any needed support. For more information or to find out the selected schools in your district, please contact Donna Heins at 860-807-2082 or donna.heins@ct.gov.
Expect More for Our Kids
In an effort to generate support for the Common Core State Standards, the “Big Six” group - which includes CAPSS, CABE, CAS, CBIA, CCER and ConnCAN - has developed a joint Facebook page which was launched last week. The purpose of the page is to help dispel misconceptions about the Common Core initiative and to promote its mission of establishing high academic standards for all of Connecticut's students. MORE
UMass Survey on Emerging Education Practices
From Common Core to personalized learning, education is in a state of flux. The University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute has begun a longitudinal study about education reform efforts. New England high school principals can expect to see an invitation to complete a fifteen minute web-based survey in their in-box. Please participate -- there are many great incentives and a free DVD rental for every principal who completes the survey. For more information, contact: Kristin Lieber, Research Manager, UMDI, klieber@donahue.umassp.edu.
CAS Weekly NewsBlast - June 12, 2014