In This Issue
Principals' Leadership Series Returns
The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) and the Connecticut Association of Schools (CAS) are inviting principals and assistant principals to participate in a year-long leadership training program, The Principals’ Leadership Series. Building on successful programs in previous years, the foundation for the 2014-2015 series remains the McREL research document, Simply Better: Doing What Matters to Change the Odds for Student Success. The format has been designed so that at each session a presenter will cover the key elements of the McREL document. Each presentation will be followed by a facilitated discussion about the application of the content to each participant’s school and school district. More
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Assistant Principal of the Year Award Nominations Open
Nominations are now open for the 2015 CAS Assistant Principal of the Year Awards. These awards were established in 1990 to spotlight the critical role that assistant principals play in the education of our youth and to honor outstanding individuals who have demonstrated excellent leadership skills, a commitment to their staff and students, service to their communities, and contributions to the overall profession of educational leadership. If you know or work with an exceptional assistant principal and would like to nominate him or her for the Assistant Principal of the Year Award, click here for further information.
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The Breakthrough Coach is Back!
If you want to learn how to work with less, produce more and still get everything done in a sensible school week, then it sounds like you’re ready for The Breakthrough Coach; and, he’s returning to Connecticut in November! Register now for the overwhelmingly popular Breakthrough Coach training being held November 20-21, 2014 at CAS. More
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Join CAS in Celebrating Excellence in Education
The CAS Recognition of Excellence in Education Reception will be held on November 19, 2014, at the Aqua Turf in Southington. This high-profile event allows members to spotlight an exemplary program and/or outstanding staff that have brought about significant school improvement, promoted school success or had a positive impact on the school. This two-hour reception will include appetizers, cocktails, musical entertainment and an awards ceremony. Please plan to attend with your staff! More
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CAS Launches Middle Level Debate!
The student activities division of CAS is rolling out a middle level debate program for 2014-15! As is readily known, debating helps improve speaking, listening, and analytic skills – the same skills that middle level students need to become proficient, high performing thinkers! Working with the very successful CT Debate Association (CDA), CAS plans to host an informative orientation for advisors/future coaches, followed by a novice training session for middle level debaters, and at least two middle level tournaments in 2014 -15. The orientation will be held at 4:00 p.m. on September 25th, at the CAS Office (30 Realty Drive, Cheshire, CT). Mileage re-imbursement will be provided to all attendees. More
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CCSS Leadership Community of Practice
After a successful year one, the CCSS Leadership Community of Practice series will be offered again! Whether you were part of the team last year or are a newcomer, you are most welcome to join us this year. This nine-session professional development series, sponsored by the Connecticut State Department of Education and CAS, is designed to help participants… • gauge the progress of their schools and districts; • share best implementation practices; • update their plans for informing teachers and parents; • identify the supports needed for a successful implementation; • create a peer support network; and, MORE. The series is offered without charge to school and district leaders and includes morning refreshments and lunch. More
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Secondary Schools Invited to Join League of Innovative Schools
All secondary schools in the state are invited to join the League of Innovative Schools (LIS.) Currently, there are twenty-two middle and high schools in Connecticut that are part of the League and all are developing a competency-based, personalized system of learning in their buildings. As part of the League, a school has access to workshops and in-state and regional meetings where its school leadership team would meet with other practitioners from across the state or New England to learn from one another and share best practices. In short, the League of Innovative Schools is a regional professional learning community for schools. More
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IMPORTANT: Update Your Membership Directory Information
Attention member school principals! Has your email address or phone number changed? Do you have a new assistant principal or guidance counselor? Please be sure to update your membership directory information for the new school year. It is vital that we keep our membership database as current as possible so that the information sent from this office makes its way to the appropriate staff members in your buildings. This allows member schools to take full advantage of the benefits of CAS membership. Click here for instructions on updating your school’s data.
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CAPSS & CAS Want to Hear Your Students’ Voices!
CAPSS & CAS are inviting students in grades 6-12 to lend their creativity and talents to the education reform debate. How can they thrive in the classroom? What changes would make it easier for them to learn and grow? The 3rd Annual Student Voices in Education Contest challenges students to develop creative, thoughtful and practical recommendations for improving education and to share those recommendations through compelling videos and essays. Gift cards and prizes will be awarded to first, second and third place winners in the middle and high school divisions. The deadline for video and essay submissions is March 2, 2015. More
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State to Offer Grants to Lessen Burden of Testing in Public Schools
Last week, Governor Dannel Malloy announced that his administration was taking two actions to help reduce the time spent on standardized tests in the state's public schools. In a letter to U.S. Department of Education (USED) Secretary Arne Duncan, the governor asked the USED to consider how the number of high-stakes exams in Grade 11 could be reduced under existing federal law. Furthermore, the governor announced a new grant program to help Connecticut school districts reduce the amount of time students at all grade levels are engaged in taking tests. The grant will support local efforts to eliminate tests that are outdated and do not contribute to student learning – thereby increasing classroom time for teaching – and to improve the quality of student assessments already in use, including the tailoring and personalization of assessments to student needs. The State Department of Education will release a competitive application to districts by next month and will award up to $500,000 in grants. More
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Central Office Welcomes Two New Unified Sports® Staff Members
Following the recent retirements of Director Lou Pear and Assistant Director Ken Bragg, the Unified Sports® staff has undergone a significant transformation. Former Assistant Director George Synnott is now leading the team of four staff members, which includes two newcomers, Bob Hale, Jr., and Paul Mengold. Bob Hale, Jr., concluded a 20-year stretch as principal of Westbrook High School when he retired this past spring. Throughout his administrative career, Bob was a dedicated member of CAS-CIAC, serving in several of its most challenging and important leadership roles. Paul Mengold, athletic director for the Amity Regional School District for 30 years, was heavily involved with the CIAC and Special Olympics/Unified Sports, including serving as a Unified Sports state games site director and as coach of an Amity High School Unified Sports team. More
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Providing exemplary programs and services that promote excellence in the education of all children
Contact Information 30 Realty Drive Cheshire, CT 06410 Phone: 203-250-1111 Fax: 203-250-1345 Website: Hours: 8am - 5pm, M-F