Legal Question of the Week
Dear Legal Mailbag: At my school, we have our teachers lead the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. As I was doing my rounds the other day, I was shocked to see that one of my third grade teachers had one of her students leading the Pledge (imperfectly I might add), while she stood mute. I told her to report to my office at the end of the day, which she did. She explained that she did not think that our country had liberty and justice for all, and she said it would be hypocritical of her to say the Pledge personally. I reminded her that she is a non-tenure teacher and that she should not take herself and her feelings so seriously. She seemed shaken by our conversation, but I was quite surprised that she just told me that she would think about it. Can I write her a no-nonsense letter telling her that any future failure to say the Pledge personally will be considered insubordinate?
Click here for the answer.
No Cost, High Level Training Available to Administrators
At the request of the CSDE, CAS has developed a year-long leadership training program for school leaders - principals and assistant principals - in the 30 Alliance districts. This opportunity is now being extended to school leaders in the rest of the state. It is rigorous, high level training grounded in the McREL research document Simply Better - Doing What Matters Most To Change The Odds For Student Success, along with the practical application strategies captured in Teach Like a Champion by Doug Lemov.
Join Us in Recognizing Excellence!
The registration deadline for the CAS Recognition of Excellence event has been extended to November 7, 2012. Don't miss this opportunity to celebrate and honor great staff and programs at your school.
CAS Opens Nominations for Principal of the Year Awards
Nominations are now open for the 2013 CAS Principal of the Year Awards Program. The Principal of the Year program was established in 1984 to bring recognition to high-achieving school principals and to increase public awareness of the critical role that principals play in the education of our youth. If you know or work with an outstanding school administrator and would like to nominate him or her for the Principal of the Year award, please click on a link below for further information.
iPad 1 to 1: Hands-on Planning for School Leaders Workshop Coming in November
Interested in implementing a 1 to 1 iPad program in your school? Join us on November 9th to learn more about how the iPad works in an enterprise environment and to develop a detailed plan for professional and curriculum development for a 1 to 1 iPad program.
Eighteen Schools Chosen As Michaels Cup Exemplary Programs
Eighteen high school athletic programs have been selected as CIAC Michael’s Achievement Cup exemplary programs recognizing their outstanding achievement as overall athletics programs for the 2011-12 academic year.