Event Registration

Two-Day In-Person Restorative Practices Professional Learning Sessions for CT School Leaders and Their Team Members

This comprehensive basic training in Restorative Practices is conducted over two full days and facilitated by Jo Ann Freiberg and Pat Ciccone, School Climate Consultants, LLC. This highly interactive in-person training opportunity provides the necessary information for establishing the conditions for developing and nurturing a culture based on high-quality relationships among all school community members and positive, trauma-free community building. This is accomplished by focusing away from rules broken and punitive consequences to a deliberate focus on harms done and providing appropriate restorative consequences; as well as establishing the systems that are necessary to form, transform, repair, and support strong relationships among all school community members (students and adults). Working restoratively is a social/relational rather than a behaviorist model. Embracing restorative practices is not a program but rather a way of thinking, being, and operating in the day-to-day. The training includes concrete and practical strategies for establishing the appropriate classroom and school-based routines as well as conducting circles and conferences in primary prevention as well as intervention contexts.
  • Date: June 23, 2025 & June 24, 2025
  • Time: 8:00am - 3:30pm
  • Site: CAS, 30 Realty Dr., Cheshire, CT 06410
  • Registration Deadline: June 16, 2025
  • Cost: $200 per person (Member Schools) or $350 per person (Non-Member Schools)
  • Registration Instructions/Information:
    Registration:7:40am-8:00am Training will begin at 8:00am Lunch will not be provided.

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[Where do I find this?]
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Participant Name