Legal Question of the Week
Dear Legal Mailbag: I have a parent who calls me regularly to complain about a variety of school-related matters. The last few times she has called she has mentioned that she is “good friends with a member of the board of education.” Recently, there have been some academic-related matters regarding the child. The board member is trying to mediate the issues. This happened in another district where I was an administrator and the board members were told to back off. Is it appropriate or even legal for board of education members to meddle in the day-to-day operations of a school?
Click here for the answer.
2013 Governor's Scholars Program Opens
Applications are now being accepted for the Annual Governor’s Scholars Award Program. This prestigious awards program, now in its seventeenth year, is designed to honor high school juniors for academic excellence. Program packets were mailed to high school principals early this month.
Getting Pre-K through Grade 3 Right
Leaders of schools, districts, boards of education, Discovery coordinators and policy makers are invited to learn about the early childhood (PreK-3) continuum as the foundation for school success. This symposium will highlight the critical role of a PreK-3 systems approach to reduce the achievement gap and to promote healthy development.
CIAC Network Reaches Well Beyond Connecticut
In the spring of 2012, the CIAC reached an agreement with PlayOn! Sports to begin live web streaming of regular season and championship events. This was an opportunity to enhance the experience for the student-athletes and fans by bringing the games to a wider audience across the state. Who could have predicted that the audience for high school athletic contests would extend well beyond the Connecticut borders?
Register Now for March Volunteer Recognition Banquet
Join us on March 12th for the CAS Volunteer Recognition Banquet! Every school in Connecticut is blessed with parents and other volunteers who contribute to its success. Don’t miss this opportunity to give public recognition to those individuals who have made your school a better place to work and learn. More
Mark Your Calendars: 8th Annual Data Conference on the Horizon
The Eighth Annual Connecticut Data Conference, Data in the Age of Educator Evaluation & Accountability, will be held on April 30, 2013 at the Coco Key Conference Center in Waterbury. Registration will be open in February. Mark your calendars!
January Debate Tournaments Draw Record Crowd
The Connecticut Debate Association hosted three tournaments on January 12th which drew a record 382 students from thirty-two schools. Congratulations to: Greenwich High School, winner of the varsity final round at King (Stamford); Simsbury High School, winner of the final round at Warde (Fairfield); and Darien High School, winner of the varsity final round at Westhill (Stamford).