(Athletics Division)

Follow us on Twitter

The CIAC is now on Twitter. Twitter is a free service specializing in the exchange of quick short updates. Sign up to follow @ciacsports for the quickest updates for results, postponements and information for all CIAC championships as well as other CIAC news. We will also be using this account to tweet decisions by the board of control and sports committees where appropriate.

If you only want updates on particular sports you can follow one or more of the Twitter users below. Note that these accounts are subaccounts of @ciacsports, so if you are following the main account following the subaccounts will cause you to receive duplicate tweets.

Note that the CIAC tournament e-mail lists are still available. The difference is with Twitter you will get updated each time a score is posted or a change is made. The e-mail list generally sends one e-mail per day during the tournament once all scores for a sport have been posted.